Temp of the Year - 2022

JOHNLEONARD is delighted to announce Sonia Blake as our 2022 Temporary Staffing Representative of the Year. To show our appreciation, Sonia received a $500 Outstanding Performer bonus to celebrate her remarkable accomplishment.

Sonia joined JOHNLEONARD in 2017 and has successfully completed over 70 assignments since then. Sonia’s professionalism, mature work ethic, flexibility, and “can-do” attitude immediately made her a stand-out temporary performer. She has had a following of JOHNLEONARD clients who consistently requested her back by name! Here are just a couple of testimonials her supervisors submitted:

“Sonia joined us when we were in a pinch to replace a receptionist covering a long leave of absence. Sonia came in and learned all the basics immediately, and then threw herself into learning more about the role, the department, and the organization so that she could provide better help to anyone coming into the office or calling into the switchboard. She is consistently calm, asks excellent questions, is a welcoming presence in person and over the phone, and does an excellent job at triaging callers who can be upset, confused, or in need of urgent assistance but who don’t always know who they need to talk to. She has a great sense of humor and is willing to learn anything and take on extra projects– she has also volunteered to help document processes and update procedure documents to help our office run more smoothly. We’re so excited to be able to hire her permanently.” -Erika B.

“Sonia came into Goulston & Storrs with such a great presence. She was ready to work and learn, she was reliable, and exuded such confidence and professionalism at the reception desk. She really wanted to learn more and more in her short time at the firm. It was such a pleasure to have her on my team. Kudos to Sonia!” – Jessica C.

Everyone at JOHNLEONARD wants to thank Sonia for all the hard work and dedication that she has brought to each and every one of her assignments throughout the years—we’re a better organization for having you be part of it. Thank you again and warmest congratulations on your achievement!