Top Desired Skills for Technology (IT) JobsThe incredible technological take-over that we are enduring right now is unprecedented. Technology is everywhere. It’s in our cars, our ‘smart homes,’ on our wrists, and on average, in our hands 4 hours a day. Over the years, technology has worked its way into many jobs and is an important part of every business. In fact, from 1997 to 2012, over 2 million occupations in the tech industry were created. That number has only increased since then and reflects the need for technology in our society today. Businesses must adapt to these changes in technology or else they’ll be left in the dark ages.

The tech industry seems to be growing faster than we can keep up with. The Department of Labor Statistics states, “Employment of computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 12 percent from 2018 to 2028…These occupations are projected to add about 546,200 new jobs.” Specifically, individuals who have knowledge in the areas of cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, and information security are highly sought-after.

Top Desired Skills for Technology (IT) Jobs (1)Hard Skills

A lot of tech jobs require expertise in certain software to ensure that you can keep up with the fast-paced environment. With this information at hand, we have created a list of the most in-demand IT jobs along with the required skills. Although these are not the exact requirements for every role, below are some basic hard skills that you’ll need to master while exploring these desired positions:

Cloud Computing Although ‘The Cloud’ is a relatively new technology, it is growing at an incredible speed. This is the #1 most desired tech job at the moment. Daily, massive amounts of information are stored on clouds, so cloud-computers with excellent database skills are a must.

Desired Skills– SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, or Hadoop

Artificial Intelligence AI is becoming very prevalent in our society and can be seen in popular products like Apple’s Siri, the Amazon Alexa, and Tesla products. AI is also disrupting many industries, including staffing. It is imperative to have a working knowledge of modern programming languages.

Desired Skills– Python, Java, Scala, SAS, and R coding

UX Design Companies are heavily focusing on the user experience (UX) of their customers. Although UX Design may not be as technically-demanding, it is still important to have strong knowledge of certain software and technology.

Desired Skills– HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Cyber Security With the amount of private information held online and in cloud storage, cyber security jobs have become extremely important. We often hear of data breaches in the news, something companies want to avoid at all costs.  

Desired Sills– Python, SQL, SIEM, IDS, IPS, and firewall knowledge

Coding and Programming Without programming, many of the advances in technology today wouldn’t be possible. It enhances and increases the power of computers and the internet. It helps to automate, collect, manage, calculate, and process data and information accurately.

Desired Skills– Python, SQL, JavaScript, and C++

Top Desired Skills for Technology (IT) Jobs (2)-1Soft Skills

Some individuals exploring (or already in) the tech industry may think that tech skills are the only important aspect when working in this industry. While possessing these skills is very important, what most fail to realize is that tech jobs still require many soft skills. Below is a list of the top four soft skills:

Communication Skills– Communication skills are important in all jobs, regardless of the industry. Communication is the key to success; it allows successful planning and execution of all areas of the business.

Strong Work Ethic– It is important for tech companies to put out effective, user-friendly products to the public in a timely fashion. There is often a large workload, so companies value employees who are diligent workers and get the job done.

Critical Thinking– There are always new technologies being released.  Along with new technology comes new problems with uncharted solutions. It is always important to be on your feet in order to fix these problems quickly and effectively.

Adaptability– The tech industry is moving at an incredibly fast-paced speed, and you will need to adapt just as fast as technology does.

What we have to offer

It is not only important for those in the tech industry to keep up-to-date with current technologies but in all industries. According to research by McKinsey, nearly one-third of U.S. workers will need to find new jobs by 2030 in response to rapid advancements in technology. It is crucial to stay informed with current programs and software used in your industry in order to remain efficient and successful. If you do not feel confident in your tech abilities, have no fear! Here at JOHNLEONARD, we provide over 200 FREE In-House Software Tutorials to help you strengthen your analytical, organizational and creative abilities.  Also, whether you’re trying to land your first job or considering a career change, check out our open tech jobs!


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