One of the most important aspects of preparing for an upcoming interview is research. In order to maintain a steady two-way conversation with your interviewer, you need to be able to demonstrate your knowledge of the potential employer.

The only way to accomplish this is to study beforehand. Just like when you had an exam in school, you have to be aware of which material to study. Take a look at the following checklists of the crucial information you’ll need to know to succeed in any interview setting.

Skills and experience you need

Before you even start to delve into information about the organization, you need to know what they’re looking for in a candidate for this particular role. Really study the job description to understand the top responsibilities and requirements, so you know which experiences and skills to talk about with your interviewer. It’s also a good idea to explore other jobs on the organization’s website to get a sense of what they look for in candidates overall, regardless of the role. Take it one step further and look at current employees on LinkedIn to see the skills they possess and responsibilities they handle on a daily basis.

Research- Skills and Experience.pngThe ins and outs of the organization

The next step in your research is to focus on the organization itself. Learn about their products and services, as well as overall basic details. These can include the industry they’re currently in, company size, if there are multiple locations, the structure of the company, and more. It’s also significant to know any awards, recognition, or accomplishments of the organization. This way, you can learn more about their reputation, as well as have other talking points in your interview.

Research- Ins and Outs.pngThe overall company culture

A pivotal aspect of researching an organization is to try and get an understanding of its company culture. This will allow you to be able to ask your interviewer meaningful questions about the culture, instead of going in and just plainly asking “What is the company culture like at your company?” Take some time to review the organization’s website and blog, as well as their mission and values. You can also review the company reviews on Glassdoor and Indeed. Another method is to reach out to a current employee on LinkedIn to gather more information about the organization’s culture. This will act as a good introduction and continue to show your interest in working there.

Research- Company Culture.pngLatest news and events about the organization

In order to keep a conversation going in an interview, it’s crucial to know about the most recent news about the employer. Read up on any press releases, news articles, company updates, and any other events that the organization has held recently. Go to the organization’s social media pages and follow them so you will be able to get up-to-date communication directly from the source. It’s important to know this type of information so you can make reference to them during your interview and ask topical questions.

Research- News and Events.pngKnow the industry

Lastly, it’s not just enough to research the potential employer, but you also need to know the latest information about the industry itself. What are the major trends, data, and facts someone in your field needs to know? You most likely are aware of a lot of this data to begin with, but it never hurts to expand your knowledge. You can also research competitors of the organization you’re interested in working at to provide further insight.

Research- Industry.pngThe more research you have on an organization, the more it will assist you in the overall hiring process. It does take a lot time and effort to learn all of the necessary information, but this will only continue to expand your knowledge and allow you to be more confident when it’s time for your interview.


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