Sales Call Tips for Building Strong ConnectionsStrong relationships are the foundation of a great sales call. Just like you take time to research and qualify prospects, you need to take the time to build and nurture a genuine business relationship. Before you jump on the phone and start selling your product or service, follow these tips so you can prepare to build an effective and long-lasting relationship.

Do your research

The first step before making a sales call is to do your research. Be fully aware of what the organization does, its mission, size, location, any open jobs, etc. Check out the organization’s directory and identify the appropriate person to contact. Depending on what you’re selling, this contact person will vary.

Smile on the phone

When making multiple sales calls a day, try to smile when talking on the phone. Even though the person on the other line or their voicemail can’t physically see you, you can certainly hear it in someone’s voice. Smiling while dialing will get you more excited about what you’re talking about and will allow the conversation to flow seamlessly. If you find yourself forgetting to smile, place a note near your phone to remind yourself!

Listen and ask questions

When you catch a potential client on the phone or through email, always be sure to follow up with questions. Carefully listen to what they’re saying and have follow-up questions based on how the conversation goes. This not only answers your questions but shows you’re engaged and truly listening to what they’re saying.

Form a memorable connection

As mentioned above, listening to what the individual is saying is imperative to a successful sales call. Try to relate to what they are saying. Engage in general conversation with them. There is a greater chance they’ll remember you and have you as their go-to account manager moving forward.

Prior to your call, look at their LinkedIn profile and see where they’ve worked, where they went to school, or any LinkedIn groups they might be in. Fostering a personal connection and finding common ground is key to forming a relationship. Any meaningful conversations will go a long way and the person on the other line will appreciate that you’ve done your research and have humanized the call.

Follow up

Always ask when you can check in next. You can mention you don’t want to be a pest, but you do want to stay in contact with them. Once you’ve built a connection, you want to maintain the relationship over time. Through experience, I’ve learned that people really do appreciate genuine and periodic check-ins.

Sales Call Tips for Building Strong Connections

To increase your sales, it’s imperative you take the time to foster strong personal and professional relationships with your prospects. Building authentic connections with people has become more powerful than ever as a salesperson. When making a sales call, establish trust right off the bat, listen intently, personalize your relationship, and routinely check-in. Your client will feel appreciated and valued whether it’s over the phone, on Zoom, or through email.


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